CBD Topicals

As the world ambles daily on the path of dynamism, the CBD industry is definitely not left out of this 21st century reality. New and safer means of consuming cannabiniol (CBD), which has proven to have some health benefits are being developed by health professionals and manufacturers alike.

One of these methods of CBD consumption is what gave birth to CBD topicals. Now, what exactly is the point of this article since you have probably heard about CBD a zillion times, right?

Not to worry. In this article, we shall be looking at what exactly CBD topicals are and how they should be consumed. We will also hint on some exciting benefits of topicals, particularly how the ingredients in them help to treat certain health conditions such as inflammation and eczema.

First thing first…..


CBD Topicals include CBD infused products such as ointments, lotions, balms, creams and salves which are quick to absorb into the skin when applied to the affected spot. They create soothing effects on the consumer.

Basically, Topicals are made from an infusion of cannabis flowers in either rich coconut oil or olive oil. After the infusion process, the oil is then mixed with some curative herbs such as lemongrass or amica which are tested and trusted pain relievers.

Some nutrients and natural ingredients such as aloe vera, shea and cocoa butter, avocado and beeswax which provide adequate moisturization for dry or withered skin are also present.


When you use a Topical product, make sure to apply generously and meticulously to the affected area. The quantity applied is important because CBD works best when absorbed into the skin. However, children and old persons should apply little amounts due to the tender nature of their skin.

Before you start applying the ointment, one necessary thing to do is to clean the skin area with soap and tepid water. As ordinary as this sound, it is quite vital to the process because it aids absorption and helps to do away with superfluous particles like dirt on the affected area.

After rubbing a generous amount on the spot, leave to absorb for a while. Afterwards, cover the area with a piece of clothing. This is to ensure that the applied ointment doesn’t come off.


One interesting benefit of CBD Topical is the assistance it offers in limiting your body’s inflammatory response to physical exertions. The presence of Emu Oil – which contains pure hemp extracts - and menthol in these products provides a faster therapeutic effect. So after those long hours of hiking or biking, topicals remain your best bet to ease you out of your soreness as swiftly as possible.

Also, studies have shown that CBD, which is the main ingredient in CBD topicals, helps to treat a number of skin diseases such as Atopic Dermatitis, also known as eczema, acne and psoriasis. This is possible because there are cannabinoid receptors all over the skin and when CBD comes in contact with the skin, it is capable of interacting with these receptors to orchestrate healing.

Some essential nutrients embedded in topicals include proteins, minerals, vitamins and fatty acids. All these help to sustain the growth of skin cells as well as to keep the skin soft and supple.

Wrap Up

CBD Topicals, like other forms of CBD, are highly sensitive products. So, before usage, do well to seek necessary information such as the product's ingredients and THC level. Rest assured, all Nature’s Festival CBD Topical’s have less than 0.1% THC and use only the finest ingredients curated here in the US.  

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